The Pioneer of Safety
Macth Manufacturer
In Indonesia
The headquarter of PT. Jamafac in Jakarta
Branch factory in Padalarang – West Java
We are proud to acknowledge ourselves as the first and the biggest safety matches manufacturer in Indonesia. We have managed to use and process the raw materials from the available forest resources into one of the daily essential products: the Safety Matches.
PT. JAMAFAC (JAVA MATCH FACTORY LTD.) is a private national company, found in 1949 and located in Jakarta and Padalarang, West Java.
We have a license agreement and obtained a lot of technical assistance and know-how from Swedish Match, the world largest match manufacturer, providing us with their international state of the art technology. Their support has brought us as the leader of match manufacturer, the largest and modern factory in Indonesia which produce good quality product.
With more of than 60 years experiences in producing safety matches and for being the biggest manufacturer, we have accomplished ourselves as the market leader of safety matches in Indonesia.
It is our commitment to produce only the best quality and the safest product. We believe that by maintaining our quality, we can secure and dominate the match market.
We have the latest state of the art technology, the expertise and well-maintained modern machineries that support our achievements. Only selected first class raw materials are used and a tight quality control system to assure the one superior product.
Most of all, we do have the most dedicated staffs and personnel to ensure and supervise the production process and to produce the best quality safety matches.
Nowadays we are enjoying our hard efforts and we are proud that our safety matches are well distributed all around Indonesia and exported to other countries. We have been supplying our safety matches as promotional items for other companies too.